The Agence Umoa-Titres will be involved, for the 3rd time, in Bonds, Loans & Sukuk Africa 2020, an upcoming event on March 10-11 2020 in Cape Town, South Africa. Focused on the African debt market, this is one of the very few events which brings over 500 high-level decision-makers from national and international banks, issuers, investors and actors from the continent’s financial markets. Besides taking part in a panel discussion and running a stand, ‘UT in partnership with Bonds & Loans, will hold a roundtable dedicated to the Governement Securities Market in the WAEMU zone.
Agence Umoa-Titres, as in previous years, aims to achieve four (04) keys objectives : promote the Government Securities Market, increase investment opportunities in the WAEMU zone, build up credibility for the Government Securities Market as well as for its issuers, diversify the investor base beyond banking.
Agence Umoa-Titres, in collaboration with key market actors in particular the WAEMU’s eight (08) sovereign authorities, the SVTs (Specialists in Treasury Securities), the BCEAO (Central Bank of West African States) and regional rating agencies, is planning to set up a “side event” as a roundtable to highlight the WAEMU zone and, in particular, the Government securities market issued by auction.
This roundtable will aim to provide a detailed insight about economic perspectives in the WAEMU zone, to create an opportunity for market actors, including local issuers, to present their financial strategies and give them a unique opportunity to network with major international investors in an up-close setting.
No less than 20 qualified investors, interested in WAEMU sovereign debt market zone coming from structures such as Duet Asset Management, Finnfund, DBSA, Allianz or South Suez Capital, will take part in this roundtable session. Topics will include short- and medium-term economic outlook for WAEMU countries, growth-enhancing sectors between 2020-2023, regional sovereign debt market trends, and strategies for positioning WAEMU as an attractive investment opportunity in both an emerging global market and an African context.
In addition, as in the previous two years, UMOA-Titres through its Director, will take part in a panel discussion focusing on the African sovereign debt market. This panel will be jointly moderated by the following speakers:
- Gardner RUSIKE, Sovereign Analyst, S&P Global
- Kathleen WONG, Partner , Allen & Overy
- Walter da Cruz PACHECO, Director General of the Debt Management Office, Minister of Finance, Republic of Angola
Bonds, Loans & Sukuk Africa 2020: high level networking opportunity
This is a unique event in Africa that brings together more than 700 African sovereigns, corporations, issuers, financial institutions, and service providers to discuss growth perspectives, financing strategies and the greatest challenges facing African capital markets. It is also a singular opportunity to exchange with more than 70 top-quality speakers, all experts in their fields, and reach a wide coverage of international and continental industry key actors.
In summary, UMOA-Titres has decided once again, as part of its strategy to promote and broaden the Government Securities Market’s investor base, to participate in Bonds, Bonds, Loans & Sukuk Africa 2020, to provide strong international and non-WAEMU exposure for bonds. Besides increasing the UT’s credibility towards partners and financial market actors, this event will also be an opportunity for the UT to consolidate its positioning and raise both national/international investors’ interest in the WAEMU zone.